Under its enabling legislation, SIGAR coordinates with and receives the cooperation of the following organizations while conducting oversight of U.S. reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan:
SIGAR and the inspectors general for the U.S. Agency for International Development, Defense Department and Department of State have jointly developed and agreed to a strategic plan for oversight of the $113.1 billion in U.S. funds appropriated for Afghanistan reconstruction. The Joint Strategic Oversight Plan for Afghanistan Reconstruction is designed to enable the four agencies to focus their audits, inspections, and evaluations on the issues of most importance to policy and decision makers regarding the reconstruction effort. It comes as the United States prepares to hand over security responsibility to the Afghan government in 2014.
SIGAR is also a member of the Southwest Asia (SWA) Joint Planning Group, which consists of the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the U.S. Agency for International Development; the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction; the Army Audit Agency; the Naval Audit Service; and the Air Force Audit Agency. This group meets quarterly to coordinate federal oversight activities related to Overseas Contingency Operations. The SWA Joint Planning Group creates a comprehensive oversight plan for multiple countries in Southwest Asia, including Afghanistan.
SIGAR is a member of the International Contract Corruption Task Force (ICCTF), the principal organization coordinating contract fraud and corruption cases involving U.S. government spending in Southwest Asia. SIGAR agents work closely with the ICCTF to share information and investigative intelligence acquired through SIGAR's International Hotline and Complaint Management Program. SIGAR is also using ICCTF resources to conduct joint investigations and increase the efficiency of the U.S. federal law enforcement efforts in Afghanistan.
SIGAR coordinates its investigative efforts with the National Procurement Fraud Task Force (NPFTF), which works to promote the prevention, early detection, and prosecution of procurement fraud. To increase collaboration with Department of Justice's (DoJ) criminal and civil divisions, SIGAR hired and deployed a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney to the NPFTF.
SIGAR also works closely with the Afghan Shafafiyat Investigative Unit (ASIU) to help the Afghan government arrest and prosecute Afghan citizens involved in contract fraud.
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