Category: Press Release

Oct. 17, 2012

SIGAR Audit and Investigative Teams Win CIGIE Awards for Excellence

SIGAR Audit and Investigative Teams Win CIGIE Awards for ExcellenceWashington, D.C. - Audit and investigative teams of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) were recognized on Tuesday for outstanding achievements at the 15th Annual Inspector General Community awards ceremony.The awards were presented by the Council of

Sept. 10, 2012

SIGAR Issues Warnings on Afghan National Army Fuel Program

SIGAR Issues Warnings on Afghan National Army Fuel ProgramArlington, Va. - The Office of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction today issued two documents warning top Department of Defense officials of issues related to the Afghan National Army's petroleum, oil and lubricants (POL) program: An interim report announcing that the

Aug. 8, 2012

SIGAR Announces Arrival of New General Counsel and Selection of New Deputy Inspector General

SIGAR Announces Arrival of New General Counsel and Selection of New Deputy Inspector GeneralARLINGTON, Va. - Today the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) announced the arrival of Mr. John Arlington as SIGAR's new General Counsel and the selection of Mr. Gene Aloise as SIGAR's new Deputy Inspector General.In announcing

May 11, 2012

SIGAR Special Agents Win Public Service Award

U.S. Attorney's Office Lauds Work in Major Bribery CaseALEXANDRIA, Va. - SIGAR special agents received a Public Service Award today from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia for their work in a major bribery case in Afghanistan. This annual reward is given to individuals who provide extraordinary assistance in a federal

Jan. 30, 2012

SIGAR Publishes Quarterly Report to Congress

Report Features a 10-Year Retrospective on the U.S. Reconstruction EffortArlington, Va. - The Office of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction today released its Quarterly Report to the U.S. Congress, featuring a comprehensive review of the 10-year U.S. reconstruction effort and a look forward to transition to Afghan-provided

Nov. 30, 2011

SIGAR Joins the Defense Investigative Organization Enterprise-Wide Working Group (DEW Group)

Collaborative Efforts to Increase Efficiencies and Effectiveness of OperationsArlington, Va. - The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) became an official partner organization of the DEW Group after signing the new group charter today at NCIS Quantico.Established in 1997, the goal of the DEW Group is to achieve

Oct. 26, 2011

SIGAR Audits Find Delays, Cost Overruns in Construction of Two Key ANSF Facilities

SIGAR Audits Find Delays, Cost Overruns in Construction of Two Key ANSF FacilitiesArlington, Va. - The Office of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction today released audits showing cost overruns and schedule delays in construction of the Kabul Military Training Center and the Afghan National Security University.Both facilities

Oct. 20, 2011

SIGAR Audit: U.S. Unable to Gauge Progress of $77 Million Investment in Afghan AG Ministry

Capacity Building at Ag Ministry Vital to Afghan Farmers, Private-Sector DevelopmentArlington, Va. - The Office of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction today released an audit showing the U.S. Embassy in Kabul has been unable to gauge progress in building up Afghanistan's Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL)

Oct. 18, 2011

SIGAR Wins Awards for Excellence, Courage

Washington, D.C. - Two audit teams of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) were recognized today for outstanding achievements at the 14th Annual Inspector General Community awards ceremony.The awards were presented by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) at an event featuring a

Sept. 8, 2011

Joint Audit Identifies Civilian Uplift Costs, Recommends Strengthened Management

Civilian uplift key to U.S. transition strategy in AfghanistanArlington, Va. - The U.S. civilian uplift in Afghanistan has cost taxpayers nearly $2 billion since 2009 and faces significant challenges going forward, including budget uncertainty and an absence of details on the expected size of the civilian presence in future years, according to a